Tours and Tour Operators Tour Operators are restricted to local companies who have been licensed to operate as Tour Operators. Most Tour Operators use their own or hired minibuses to transport their clients to various tours or to specific locations.
There are also self-driven vehicles for hire. Regarding the prices of tours basically they differ depending on the itinerary, season and from one tour operator to another. For budget purposes, one can alternatively use buses to travel from one town to another.
Special arrangement under the MOU signed between the People's Republic of China and the United Republic of Tanzania has been devised to handle tourists from China. To access some of the Tour Operators who can handle tourists between Tanzania and China see the listing
地址: 中国北京三里屯亮马河南路8号 100600 北京中国.
电话: (+86) 010 65321719
传真: (+86) 010 65324351
E-mail: beijing(at)
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